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Lock & Whitfield
Book cover for Thompson Cooper "Men of Mark" (London: S. Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1876-1883)

Book cover
Princeton University Library
Graphic Arts Collection (GAX), Oversize 2003-0077Q vol.1-7
Thompson Cooper (1837-1904), Men of Mark, a Gallery of Contemporary Portraits of Men Distinguished in the Senate, the Church, in Science, Literature and Art, the Army, Navy, Law, Medicine, etc. [Woodburytyped] from Life by Lock and Whitfield (London: S. Low, Marston, Searle and Rivington, 1876-1883).
This important work was a collaboration between the photographers Samuel Robert Lock (1822-1881) and George Carpe Whitfield (born 1833) and the journalist Thompson Cooper (1837-1904) who prepared the brief biographies for the individuals featured. Lock and Whitfield prepared 36 oval Woodburytypes for publication each year and when Lock died in 1881 Whitfield continued the project alone.
First series (1876) and Second series (1877)
Captain Richard Burton
Lord Lytton
John Everett Millais R.A.
Lord George Hamilton M.P.
Fredrick Leighton R.A.
Victor Hugo
Marquis of Salisbury
Admiral Sir Richard Collinson
Jules Verne
Bishop of Salisbury
Sir John Gilbert
Gustave Dore
Third series (1878)
Charles Darwin
Anthony Trollope
John Scott Russell, engineer
Lord Napier of Magdala
Vice-Admiral Sir Francis Leopold McClintock, explorer who three times went in search of Franklin's expedition in the Arctic
Commander Verney Lovett Cameron, African explorer
Fourth series

Fifth series

Sixth series

Seventh series (1883)
Alfred Tennyson, poet
Dr Charles William Siemans, industrialist
John MacWhirter, artist
Joseph Boehm, artist
Henry Armstead, artist
Benjamin Richardson, medic
Henry Irving, actor
William Carpenter, scientist


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