Ernst Herzfeld (1879-1948)
Aleppo (Syria): Great Mosque: View of the Minbar
Black & white glass negative
Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery ArchivesLocal numbers: FSA A.6 04.GN.3629, Gift of Ernst Herzfeld, 1946, Identifier: FSA.A.06, Item FSA A.6 04.GN.3629
- Handwritten notes accompanying related print in photo file 15, vol. 1 reads, "Great Mosque. Minbar of Qarasonqor."
Publication Caption accompanying Plate LXVI, d. reads, "Pl. LXVI, d. Grand Mosquée. Minbar de Qarasonqor." [Herzfeld, Ernst. "Matériaux pour un Corpus Inscriptionum Arabicarum, Deuxième Partie : Syrie du Nord, Inscriptions et Monuments d'Alep. Tome II. Le Caire; Imprimerie de L'Institut Franc?ais d'Archaéologie Orientale, 1954. Plate LXVI, d."]
Additional information from Finding Aid reads, "Subseries 4.15: Photo File 15 (3 vols.), "Aleppo," Subseries 4.15.1: vol. 1; Image No. 124 (Negative Number: 3629). Gr. Mosque. Minbar of Qarasonqor, Nasir Muhammad, 693-741 H. Corpus, p1.LXVId."