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Eurenius & Quist
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Eurenius & Quist, n.d., A couple from Lapland, Carte de visite, Paul Frecker, LL/12040
Eurenius & Quist, n.d., A figurine with hunters, Carte de visite, Private collection of Hector Meinhof, LL/66731
Eurenius & Quist, n.d., A Swedish woman from Sköne, Carte de visite, Paul Frecker, LL/12039
Eurenius & Quist, n.d., Baron Adolf Erik Nordenskiold, Carte de visite, Archive Farms, LL/125630
Eurenius & Quist, n.d., From the left: Oscar, Sophia (Wilhelmina, youngest daughter of Duke William of Nassau), Eugen, the Duke of Östergötland (later King Oscar II), Gustav (later King Gustav V), and Carl., Carte de visite, Private collection of Hector Meinhof, LL/61863

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