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Arthur Tress
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Arthur Tress, n.d., Act III: The Final Judgment-The Court Weighed the Magician's Work and Found Him Guilty of Speculation, [The Teapot Opera], Cibachrome, Cleveland Museum of Art, LL/70418
Arthur Tress, n.d., Bride and Groom - included in "Memories" with photographs by Arthur Tress and the poems of Guillaume Apollinaire, Platinum print, 21st Editions, LL/1356
Arthur Tress, n.d., Elmer as Father Time - included in "Memories" with photographs by Arthur Tress and the poems of Guillaume Apollinaire, Platinum print, 21st Editions, LL/1355
Arthur Tress, n.d., Flood Dream - included in "Memories" with photographs by Arthur Tress and the poems of Guillaume Apollinaire, Platinum print, 21st Editions, LL/1352
Arthur Tress, n.d., Last Portrait of My Father - included in "Memories" with photographs by Arthur Tress and the poems of Guillaume Apollinaire, Platinum print, 21st Editions, LL/1354

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