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Chas Eisenmann
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Chas Eisenmann, n.d., Actress Ullie Akerstrom (1864-1941) poses as Pygmalion's "Galatea", Carte de visite, Private collection of Christopher Steiner, LL/119411
Chas Eisenmann, n.d., Annie Jones, bearded lady, Cabinet card, Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc, LL/69649
Chas Eisenmann, n.d., Big Eliza, Cabinet card, The Jeffrey Kraus Collection, LL/52998
Chas Eisenmann, n.d., Charles B. Tripp, armless, Carte de visite, Larry Gottheim, Be-hold, Inc, LL/69642
Chas Eisenmann, n.d., Che-Mah, The Chinese Dwarf, Cabinet card, Private collection of Scott Davis, LL/64229

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