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Donigan Cumming
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Donigan Cumming, n.d., Self portrait from "My Dinner with Weegee", Video still, Provided by the artist - Donigan Cumming, LL/22250
Donigan Cumming, 1986 (work) 1993 (installation), Reality and Motive in Documentary Photography, Part 3, Installation View, CIAC, Montreal, 1993, Photographs, Sound and Text - Gallery installation, Provided by the artist - Donigan Cumming, LL/21942
Donigan Cumming, 1990, The Mirror, The Hammer and The Stage, Installation View, Chicago, Photographs and Sound - Gallery installation, Provided by the artist - Donigan Cumming, LL/21943
Donigan Cumming, 1993, Pretty Ribbons (Harry's Diary), Installation View, CIAC, Photographs, Sound and Text - Gallery installation, Provided by the artist - Donigan Cumming, LL/21944
Donigan Cumming, 1995, A Prayer for Nettie, Installation view, Bradford, UK, 7 Channel Video, Sound and Photographs - Gallery installation, Provided by the artist - Donigan Cumming, LL/21946

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