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Thomas Annan
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Thomas Annan, n.d., First page of the 23 page introduction to "The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow" written by the historian William Young R.S.W (1900)., [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Letterpress, Photoseed, LL/12205
Thomas Annan, n.d., James MacLehose crest imprinted opposite the title page to the portfolio., [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Woodcut, Photoseed, LL/12201
Thomas Annan, n.d., List of plates, [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Letterpress, Photoseed, LL/12204
Thomas Annan, n.d., List of plates, [The Old Closes & Streets of Glasgow (1900 edition)], Letterpress, Photoseed, LL/12202

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