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HomeContentsVisual indexes > Angela Williams

Angela Williams 
Paul Newman 
Color print 
Angela Williams Archive 
"It was notoriously difficult to get a moment to photograph Paul Newman. He was a very private person. When I spoke on the telephone he was non committal, directing me to a location by the river, a sort of plaza. I realised that he must be able to see me from a window from somewhere, and waited for an hour, trying to look cool calm and collected. It was quite a good feeling when he arrived, and said he had decided to come down and give me twenty minutes of his time. We had coffee somewhere on 77 Sunset Strip afterwards. I cannot remember the conversation." Angela Williams 

Instagram compressed image details 

#LuminousLint #AlanGriffiths #HistoryOfPhotography #Angela Williams 

Part of the Luminous-Lint Instagram History of Photography (HOP 20240701) 

Angela Williams, 1964, "Paul Newman", Color print, Angela Williams Archive, LL/32008 
Image width: 405 
Image height: 600 
Portrait - Resize image to larger height - pad with black 
Instagram width: 1080 
Instagram height: 1350 


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