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Unidentified photographer 
A model of the M1-M7 motorway intersection of Törökbálint, looking across the Danube to the Royal Palace, Budapest, Hungary 
FOTO:Fortepan (Accessed: May 2018), Id: 96760, Donor: UVATERV 
Bálint Flesch (26 May 2018, edited by Alan Griffiths)
UVATERV (abbreviation for the Road and rail design company) was a building design company in the ancient regime and the photoarchive was gifted to Fortepan. A few days before delivering the collection the house caught fire. Firefighters water soaked the whole negative collection, and a group of volunteers worked to rescue the surviving material. The photographers of each picture have not been identified, probably they was employed by UVATERV. 

Instagram compressed image details 

#LuminousLint #AlanGriffiths #HistoryOfPhotography #Unidentified photographer 

Part of the Luminous-Lint Instagram History of Photography (HOP 20240701) 

Unidentified photographer, 1964, "A model of the M1-M7 motorway intersection of Törökbálint, looking across the Danube to the Royal Palace, Budapest, Hungary", Photograph, FOTO:Fortepan, (Accessed: May 2018), Id: 96760, Donor: UVATERV, LL/83220 
Image width: 620 
Image height: 660 
Portrait - Resize image to larger height - pad with black 
Instagram width: 1080 
Instagram height: 1350 


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