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HomeContentsVisual indexesHarry Callahan

Harry Callahan 
Book cover for "Photographs: Harry Callahan" (Santa Barbara, California: El Mochuelo Gallery, 1964) 
Book cover 
Swann Galleries - New York 
Courtesy of Swann Galleries (Auction, Oct 22, 2009, Photographs & Photographic Literature, Sale 2191 Lot 228) 

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#LuminousLint #AlanGriffiths #HistoryOfPhotography #HarryCallahan 

Part of the Luminous-Lint Instagram History of Photography (HOP 20240701) 

Harry Callahan, 1964, "Book cover for "Photographs: Harry Callahan" (Santa Barbara, California: El Mochuelo Gallery, 1964)", Book cover, Swann Galleries - New York, Courtesy of Swann Galleries (Auction, Oct 22, 2009, Photographs & Photographic Literature, Sale 2191 Lot 228), LL/33444 
Image width: 550 
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Instagram height: 608 


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