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HomeContentsVisual indexesRick Dingus

Rick Dingus 
Oilfield Trash, Penwell, TX 
[Llano Estacado Project] 
22 x 49 in / 24 x 24 in 
Provided by the artist - Rick Dingus 

Instagram compressed image details 

#LuminousLint #AlanGriffiths #HistoryOfPhotography #RickDingus 

Part of the Luminous-Lint Instagram History of Photography (HOP 20240518) 

Rick Dingus, 2004-2006, "Oilfield Trash, Penwell, TX", 22 x 49 in / 24 x 24 in, Provided by the artist - Rick Dingus, LL/30726 
Image width: 850 
Image height: 364 
Landscape - Resize image to larger width - pad with black 
Instagram width: 1080 
Instagram height: 608 


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