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HomeContentsOnline exhibitions > Michelle Sank: An Evolving Retrospective

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Michelle Sank 
[Into the Arms of Babes] 
Provided by the artist - Michelle Sank 
England has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies in Europe and this statistic continues to be a growing concern in our society today. In this project I am exploring the current phenomenon of teenage mothers, and in some cases, teenage parents.
Essentially these young carers feel like children themselves, and it is this vulnerability that I hope to convey in the images. I am also interested in showing the relationship and bonding that can, and does exist, between young parent and child. Finally I hope to reveal the dynamics that are apparent between the mother, her partner and the extended family. (Michelle Sank, September 2007) 

Instagram compressed image details 

#LuminousLint #AlanGriffiths #HistoryOfPhotography #MichelleSank 

Part of the Luminous-Lint Instagram History of Photography (HOP 20240701) 

Michelle Sank, 2004, "Untitled", C-print, Provided by the artist - Michelle Sank, LL/22543 
Image width: 1000 
Image height: 792 
Landscape - Resize image to larger width - pad with black 
Instagram width: 1080 
Instagram height: 608 


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