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HomeContentsVisual indexesLouis Jacques Mandé Daguerre

Louis Jacques Mandé Daguerre 
Le Chateau D'Eau. Marché aux Fleurs 
1825 (ca) 
25.0 x 34.9 cm 
George Eastman Museum 
Gift of Eastman Kodak Company: ex-collection Gabriel Cromer, GEH NEG: 26850, 82:0933:0001 
Daguerre's Diorama can be seen in the background on the Place du Château d'Eau in Paris with it's large windows allowing diverse lighting effects within the building.
The dating this lithograph is not certain and it has been placed at 1830-1835 (ca) by Dereck Woods. ( - Accessed: 18 March 2010)
INSCRIPTION: recto-(printed) "Vues de Paris." "(12)" "Views of Paris." "Dessin d'apres nature et lith: par Ph: [sic] Benoist." "Le Chateau D'Eau. Marché aux Fleurs." "Figures par A. Bayot." "Imprimé par August Bry, rue Favart, 8." "Gihaut frÞres Editeurs, Boulecart des Italiens, 5" "Fountain of the Boulevart St. Martin, Flower Market." 
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