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HomeContentsVisual indexes > Erwin Hanfstaengl

Erwin Hanfstaengl [Attributed to] 
Sergeant Taria in the uniform of the Grenadiere de la Garde of 1809-1815 - Grande Armée 
1858 (ca) 
12 in tall x 10 in 
Brown University Library, Special Collections 
Courtesy of Brown University, Special Collections, Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection 
Veterans from the Napoleonic Wars
The attribution to Erwin Hanfstaengl courtesy of Wouter Lambrechts (5 May 2021)
Although the cardboard has been cut [on another photograph] the address '4. Rue Frochot, Quartier St. George' is still visible. It's here where Erwin Hanfstaengl had his Paris studio from 1863 on. We found several CdV's of the Erwin frères who had the same furniture, chair and studio decoration.
Interesting to have identified the photographer of this portrait because another part of these portraits is currently in the collection of the The Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection. These portraits are of an 'unknown' maker and not tinted. Because of the same furniture, style, format and topic we can almost certainly say these portraits are also made by Erwin Hanfstaengl in Paris around 1863. Of course the photo session could have been earlier on his other address (Rue Frochot, 2). He started as a photographer in 1853. 
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