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HomeContentsVisual indexesRussell Lee

Russell Lee 
Fruit farmer's wife playing piano. Placer County, California. 
1940, December 
Safety film negative 
Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division 
Call Number/Physical Location: LC-USF34- 038405-D [P&P] LOT 367 (corresponding photographic print), Digital Id: fsa 8c00499 //, Library of Congress Control Number: 2017788602, Reproduction Number: LC-DIG-fsa-8c00499 (digital file from original neg.) LC-USF34-038405-D (b&w film neg.) 
Fruit farmer's wife playing piano. Placer County, California. Because they have not changed the variety of plums and pears which they raise to meet changed market conditions they have gone further and further into debt to the Federal Land Bank and are now on verge of losing their four hundred acre farm on which they have raised fruit on for twenty-five years 

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