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Introduction to the Carte-de-Visite Album 
Letterpress page 
Internet - Original source ill-defined 
Courtesy of Carlos Gabriel Vertanessian (19 May 2016) 
Introduction to the Carte=de=Visite Album.
Within this book you eye may trace
The well known smile on friendship's face;
Here may your wondering eyes behold,
The friends of youth, the lov'd of old;
And as you gaze with tearful eye,
Sweet mem'ries of the years gone by
Will come again with magic power,
To charm the evening's pensive hour.
Some in this book have passed the bourne
From whence no travellers return;
Since through the world yet doomed to roam,
As pilgrims from their native home
Are here by nature's power enshrined,
As lov'd memorials to the mind -
Till all shall reach that happy shore,
Where friends and kindred part no more.

With a vertical book type carte de visite storage box. 

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