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Advertisement for "Madame Le Pierre's Art of Painting Photographs" 
1865, June 
Advertisement, detail 
Jeffrey Kraus Antique Photographics 
Current whereabouts unknown. 
Madame Le Pierre's Art of Painting Photographs. In Water Colors, complete in one volume, bound in cloth. Also a full set of French Imported Colors, in the original powdered state. Brushes, etc. Price One Dollar.
(Copyright Secured).
How beautiful! how charming! to be able to color your own Photographs, without the assistance of a master, and at so little expense! "Let your homes be ornamented with works of your own genius."
To be able to Color a Photograph handsomely is certainly a superior accomplishment and the art at present confined to a few. The object of Madame Le Pierre's treatise is to place within the power of EVERYBODY the means to color Photographs both pleasing and admirable.
AGENTS WANTED everywhere throughout the country. Very liberal inducements offered.
One copy of the Art handsomely bound in cloth, a full set of imported paints, (in original powders), and a set of Brushes will be sent to any address, mailed free, for one dollar.
Address or call on CRAWFORD & WILLIS, 167 BROADWAY, N.Y. 

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