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Hugh Welch Diamond 
Dr. High Welch Diamond, F.S.A., who died recently... 
1886, 9 July (published) 
Magazine page 
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English Mechanic and World of Science, No.1,111, July 9, 1886, p.413
Dr. Hugh Welch Diamond, F.S.A.. who died recently in the 78th year of his age, was one of the early workers in photography, and exerted himself in getting Archer's collodion process introduced, and in establishing the Photographic Society. He was the eldest son of a surgeon in the East India Company's service, and received his earlier education at Norwich Grammar School when Edward Valpy was master. He subsequently became an articled pupil of the Apothecaries Society and a student of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he for some time prepared the dissections for Abernethy's lectures. He practised in Soho, and distinguished himself by his courage during the great cholera outbreak of 1832. Dr. Diamond subsequently devoted himself to the treatment of mental disease; but it is outside of the medical profession that he attained his chief fame. He was the originator of the modern carte-de-visite, and his services in gratuitously spreading a knowledge of the art to which he devoted himself with ardour were acknowledged by a purse of £300 - Faraday being one of the active members of the subscription committee. 

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