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Unidentified photographer/creator 
Photographic Exchange Club 
1859, 15 July 
Magazine page 
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The Photographic Journal, being the Journal of the Photographic Society (London), Volume 6, No.87, July 15, 1859, p.10.
July 5, 1869.
Sir, Can you give me any information on the following points: 1st. Is the Photographic Exchange Club, of which the Rev. J. Major was formerly, and Julius Pollock, Esq., was subsequently the Secretary, still in existence? And has there been an exchange of photographs within the last twelve months? (the Rules state that there shall be an exchange twice in the year). 2ndly. Is there any other Society for the exchange of photographs ? A reply to the above queries will greatly oblige
An Amateur.
Mr. Pollock has lately made a distribution of his collection for the members for the past year. Several of the old members have retired, and newer and more active hands supplied their places. There is also the "Photographic Exchange Club," who publish annually the 'Photographic Album,' a handsome folio volume. It is, we believe, limited to fifty members; and the photographs contained in it cannot be bought. Professor De la Motte, of King's College, kindly acts as Honorary Secretary. Exchange Clubs should be promoted in various parts of the country; they produce much good feeling amongst their members, and are more agreeably conducted amongst a few friends than on a large scale. Many amateurs will not object to printing a limited number of their pictures, which becomes very tedious when extended. 
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