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HomeContentsVisual indexesFrederick Dally

Frederick Dally 
The site of Barkerville, September 17th 1868, the morning after the fire 
1868, 17 September 
Albumen print 
17.2 x 23.7 cm (image) 
The Royal Collection 
RCIN 2368878 
Photograph of the town of Barkerville in British Columbia, situated within a valley setting. The hill leading down to the town on the right has been cleared of trees. Many of the wooden buildings are still smoking following the fire that decimated swept through the town. Barkerville's population grew during the Cariboo gold rush and was quickly rebuilt following the fire that destroyed the town, including Dally's own photographic studio which he had built in the town, in September 1868. Following the formation of New Barkerville on a new site in 1958, Barkerville Historic Town has largely been preserved as it appeared during the 19th century. 

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