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HomeContentsVisual indexesFrederick Dally

Frederick Dally 
First Nations Peoples Chief's grave site : 'Zadoski's (Indian Chief's) grave about 14 miles above Yale' 
1870 (ca) 
Albumen print 
18.7 x 23.7 cm (image) 
The Royal Collection 
RCIN 2368863 
Photograph of a wooden shelter with a sloping roof that affords shelter to a number of carved wooden figures that mark the site of a Chief's grave. On the left are four figures, one wearing a top hat. Above them is a wooden frame decorated with carved bears that signify the deceased Chief's crest or totem. On the right stands a larger, more central figure dressed in clothes consisting of a shirt, trousers and a necktie. The latter two items decorated with polka dots. To the right of this figure in the foreground stands a fir tree and on the ground lie broken kettles and other hardware for use in the after life. 

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