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HomeContentsVisual indexesKristen Feilberg

Kristen Feilberg 
View of river and Dutch Controllers Residence, Deli 
[Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit] 
1867-1870 (ca) 
Albumen print 
14.1 x 20.0 cm (image) 
The Royal Collection 
RCIN 2702944 
Photograph of a view of a river and buildings taken in Deli, North Sumatra. The larger building is believed to be the Dutch Controllers Residence. The river and a bank of grass dominate the foreground and middle ground. In the background is a collection of buildings including huts with thatch roofs. Docked on the river bank are a couple of small boats and a large boat with two large flag masts and a thatch covering.
From an album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit 

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