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Unidentified photographer/creator 
Photographic Exchange Club 
1863, 11 September 
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The Photographic News, Vol.VII, No.262, September 11, 1863, p.434.
We have received a communication from Mr. Howard, the Honorary Secretary of the Photographic Exchange Club, from which we learn with regret that it is in a very languishing condition, and seems likely, unless some steps are taken to give it new vigour, to share the common fate which has attended several other similar clubs. We think this a great pity. A free and spirited exchange system is one of the most pleasant stimulants to effort in photography, giving considerable additional zest to the production of fresh pictures. What is the reason of this state of inanition? We insert Mr. Howard's letter, and Invite those of our readers interested in the matter to discuss the best means for giving new life to the undertaking.
Dear Sir, It is with great regret that I beg to call your attention, and likewise that of the members of the Photographic Exchange Club, to its very weak pulsations ; indeed, I am afraid it will cease to exist if some vigorous measures are not taken by its members to infuse new life into it.
The contributions have been few and far between for some time past, and those consisting mostly of very indifferent photographs some very bad indeed.
This is the worst feature, and makes the duties of Secretary very unpleasant. The labour of examining, sorting, and distributing the photographs among the members is considerably lightened by the contributions being of good quality, and is likewise attended with a great deal of pleasure, but the labour becomes irksome when one has to twist and turn to make things fit and go smoothly, and downright disagreeable when rejections form one-half of the monthly letters.
The second year of the club (under the existing arrangements), being very near its termination, I have been induced to write to you with a view of some alterations, and, I hope, improvements being made, and solicit suggestions from members to that effect.
After so much has been said, read, and written, the knowledge that so much bad photography stalks through the length and breadth of the land, is very discouraging.
The club numbers among its members many good photographers, and I hope they will, by their assistance and suggestions, assist and get the club out of its present difficulties.
Yours truly, Frank Howard.
Secretary, Photographic Exchange Club.
10, Lansdowne Road North, South Lambeth. 

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