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HomeContentsVisual indexesChuck Kimball

Chuck Kimball 
Lawrie's Window (Chaw Valley) 
1978 (ca) 
Bromoil print 
7 x 11 in 
Provided by the artist - Chuck Kimball 
© Chuck Kimball - Courtesy of the artist 
Lawrence Justice was called the "original Hippy" back in the 60's, and he lived with his girlfriend Lilly in a very original (read falling down) homestead house near Del Mar. I made a lot of images in and around this farm, and had many great times with Lawrie and Lilly as a result... KR, a good friend and willing subject, was standing in the workshop, catching the light of the moment, too much to resist, Nikon, Panatomic X, pushed to 100 ... Printed on the original Oriental Seagull glossy, inked with a brayer using some gifted Spectrum inks... collection of the artist. 

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