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HomeContentsVisual indexesWilliam Notman

William Notman 
Peat excavator at Bulstrode Farm, near Barrington, QC 
Wet collodion process 
20.3 x 25.4 cm 
McCord Stewart Museum 
Purchase, funds graciously donated by Maclean’s magazine, the Maxwell Cummings Family Foundation and Empire-Universal Films Ltd., Accession Number: I-17862 
(Nora Hague, 12 January 2023) This may be part of research into peat mining as I found the following in the Quebec Official Gazette, 19 Jun 1869, #23, Vol. 1, p. 634,
Miscellaneous Notices: James Nelson, architect, George Washington Reed, slater, Thomas Augustus Haines, merchant, John-Charles Barton, accountant, W.R. Hibbard, merchant, William Notman, photographer, and Alexander Hamilton, clerk, all of Montreal, and Alexander Cameron, merchant, of Vankleek Hill, ON form a company, "The Valleyfield Peat Coal Company", to extract, process & sell peat-coal, HQ in Montreal, works/office in Valleyfield, capital stock $50,000, in 500 shares $100 each. James Nelson, John-Charles Barton, and Thomas Augustus Haines to be first directors.
John C. Barton and William Notman were already in a 7-year partnership as of 1869 Apr 13, in the "business of photography"; Notman contributes photographic knowledge and Barton accounting skills. They rent the Notman studio from Notman. 

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