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HomeContentsVisual indexesLeon Crémière

Leon Crémière 
Isabelle la bouquetière du Jockey-Club 
1866 (or later) 
Albumen print, tipped-in 
Private collection of Laure Deratte 
"It then became customary for the winner of the French Derby to give her a dress made in his colors, and thus she wore the blue and red for the Comte e Lagrange's Derby, blue and white for M. Charles Laffitte's, and read and black for M. Lupin's." (Philadelphia Inquirer, June 4, 1900)
The racehorse "Florentin" won the Prix du Jockey Club ("the French Derby") in 1866.
Tipped-in to "Le Centaure. Journal du sport illustré founded in 1866 by the photographer Léon Cremière.
For an institutional copy: Bibliothèque Marguerite Durand - Réserve - photographie, Cote : 099 B 372
(Alan Griffiths, 10 July 2020) I'm indebted to Laure Deratte, Rebecca Stearns and Sheila Yeoman for the additional information. 

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