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Beck & Beck (manufacturer) 
Beck & Beck Viewer, with vertical cabinet 
Private collection of C. Schwimmer 
The complete correct name is “Smith, Beck & Beck”. Offered in an 1860 catalog and sold over a period of at least 30 years (per Paul Wing “Stereoscopes: The First One Hundred Years”, pp 35-36). The immediate case of the stereoscope is used as its platform by lifting it out, inverting it, and placing into a recessed lip of the case. The case with the stereoscope can then be placed on top of the cabinet to elevate it to a good viewing height. The cabinet has slots for storing stereoview. The stereoscope features achromat lenses, a tilt feature, independent left lens adjustment and lens group focusing, and a tilt-able mirror for viewing transparencies and tissue views On this set, only a ground glass slide which fits on the back for viewing transparencies and tissue views is missing. All walnut construction. 

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