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HomeContentsVisual indexesKristen Feilberg

Kristen Feilberg 
Batak tomb, North Sumatra 
[Album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit] 
1867-1870 (ca) 
Albumen print 
21.9 x 16.6 cm (image) 
The Royal Collection 
RCIN 2702949 
Photograph of a Batak tomb in a Batak village, North Sumatra. The tomb has an elaborate thatch roof and its structure is supported off the ground with wooden stilts. The exterior is decorated with painted and carved patterns and depictions of animals and people. A group of Batak villagers are seated inside the tomb. Four villagers stand outside the tomb, three of which face the camera. In the background are wooden buildings with thatched roofs.
From an album presented to Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh by the Bishop of Penang in remembrance of his 1869 visit 

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