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HomeContentsVisual indexes > James Sinclair, Earl of Caithness & William Bembridge

James Sinclair, Earl of Caithness & William Bembridge 
Planting of the Prince Consort's Memorial Tree 
1862, 25 November 
Albumen print 
6 1/2 x 8 1/2 in. 
Archive Farms 
The Patrick Montgomery Collection, Object No. 2012.556 
Those standing to the left of Queen Victoria are: Baroness von Schenck (fl. 1864); Col. A. Liddell (1812-88); Queen Alexandra (1844-1925) when Princess of Wales; the Grand Duchess of Hesse (1843-78); the Duke of Albany (1853-84) when Prince Leopold; Prince Louis of Hesse (1837-92); the Duchess of Argyll (1848-1939) when Princess Louise and Count Gleichen (1883-91). Those standing to the right of Queen Victoria are: The Hon. A.N. Hood (fl. 1864); The Countess of Caledon (1825-88); Major General Francis H. Seymour (1813-90); Baron De Ross (1827-1907); Lieutenant General Charles Grey (1804-70); Mr William Menzies (1827-78) and Mr John Cole (d. 1869) 

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