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Hill & Adamson - Newhaven 

Bruce, David, (1973) Sun pictures: the Hill-Adamson calotypes (Studio Vista) [0289704162]
Ford, Colin (1977) An Early Victorian Album: The Photographic Masterpieces (1843-1848) of David Octavius Hill and Robert Adamson (Random House) [0394497333]
J. Paul Getty Museum (1999) Hill and Adamson: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum (In Focus series) (J Paul Getty Museum Pubns) [0892365404]
Stevenson, Sara (1988) David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson: A Catalogue of Their Calotypes in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery (Edinburgh '81) (National Galleries of Scotland) [0903148374]
Stevenson, Sara (1992) Hill and Adamson's Fishermen and Women of the Firth of Forth (National Galleries of Scotland) [0903598159]
Stevenson, Sara (2002) The Personal Art of David Octavius Hill (Yale Univ Press) [0300095341]
Ward, John; & Stevenson, Sara (1986) Printed Light: The Scientific Art of William Henry Fox Talbot and David Octavius Hill with Robert Adamson (National Galleries of Scotland) [0114931240] 



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