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HomeContentsOnline exhibitions > The Second Empire through the Lens of A.A.E. Disdéri

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André Adolphe-Eugène Disdéri 
Prince Hohenlohe 
Carte de visite 
Paul Frecker 
Prince Chlodwig Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst was German chancellor and Prussian minister-president from 1894 to 1900.
As Bavarian minister-president and foreign minister, he had favoured closer union with Prussia, and after 1870 carried out the economic union of the South German states with Prussia, reorganizing their troops on the Prussian pattern. From 1885 to 1894, he was governor of Alsace-Lorraine, but was no more successful than his predecessor, Manteuffel. On Caprivi's resignation, he became German chancellor but despite his ability, he had little influence, as the Emperor preferred to act as his own chancellor and foreign minister. After his death, his son published his Denkwurdigkeiten (1907), to the fury of the Emperor. They remain an important source for German history of the period. 
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