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HomeContentsOnline exhibitions > Kodak Portfolio: Souvenir of the Eastman Photographic Exhibition 1897

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Kodak Portfolio
Souvenir of the Eastman Photographic Exhibition 1897

Brayer, Elizabeth (1996) George Eastman: A Biography (The Johns Hopkins University Press)
Collins, Douglas (1990) The Story of Kodak (Harry N. Abrams)
Harker, Margaret (1979) The Linked Ring: The Secession in Photography, 1892-1910 (A Royal Photographic Society Publication)
Prodger, Phillip (Ed.); Patrick Daum (Ed.) & Francis Ribemont (Ed) (2006) Impressionist Camera-Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918 (English edition published by Merrell Publishers Limited in association with the Saint Louis Art Museum)
A copy of the Royal Edition of this book, with the photograph by Queen Alexandra when Princess of Wales (RCIN 1230733), is in the Royal Collection: 



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