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HomeContentsOnline exhibitions > Wiener Photographische Blätter: Herausgegeben Vom Camera-Club In Wien (1894)

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John S. Bergheim 
[Wiener Photographische Blätter: Herausgegeben Vom Camera-Club In Wien] 
Chine-colle Heliogravure 
15.00 x 11.8 cm 
Photograph courtesy 
Included in:
"Wiener Photographische Blätter: Herausgegeben Vom Camera-Club In Wien: 1894"
J. Blechinger, Wien, hel. & imp.: (Chine-colle)
Bergheim, of Austria, was an early member of the Linked Ring Brotherhood. He was known by that group as the "Smudger" and he went on to conceive along with Dallmeyer of London a soft focus lens that was used by Will Cadby, Pierre Dubreuil and Frederik Evans. Evans used the Dallmeyer-Bergheim for portraits and landscapes. Evans said of the lens: "The quality of the image given by the Dallmeyer-Bergheim lens, when at its best focus, pleases my eye extremely for its beautiful sense of modelling. There are no sharp lines anywhere and yet no sense of fuzziness: at close vision the image is of course distinctly unsatisfactory as regards pure definition: but at a proper distance there comes a delightfully real, living sense of modelling that is quite surprising, and most grateful and acceptable to the eye." from: W. Thomas, "The New Bergheim Lens", British Journal of Photography, May 6, 1921. Information taken from an online photographic auction conducted by Auction Team Koln : Lot #867: May 20, 2006
It is not known if Bergheim was using a lens of his own design at the time this photograph was taken. Web research indicates that the #1 Bergheim Soft Focus lens came out in 1895. However, there is a soft-focus look to the reproduction. The above information concerns a Dallmeyer-Bergheim lens dating from 1896. The following is a description of this lens: English: Early Soft Focus Brass Lens With variable focal lenth. Changing the focal length, the degree of diffusion changes as well! Focal length 25 to 40 in. Diameter 4 1/2 in. (Auction Team Koln) 
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