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HomeContentsOnline exhibitions > Edward Grazda: Afghanistan, 1992-2004

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Edward Grazda
Afghanistan, 1992-2004

Between 1992 and 2004, Afghanistan went through many changes. In April 1992 the mujahideen groups finally took control of the central government in Kabul, toppling the communist Afghan regime. However by June the coalition of mujahideen groups broke up and a civil war, based on tribal/ethnic groups, started and destroyed much of Kabul and killing many civilians.
In 1996, a group of religious student led by Mullah Omar started to fight against the continuing civil war, and lawlessness. By 1997, the Taliban movement had taken Kabul and most of Afghanistan, imposing harsh "sharia" law.
Photographing in Kabul in 1992 was easy, although the city was filled with armed fighters. When a man with an RPG (rocket propelled grenade) asks to be photographed you take his photo.
Under the Taliban in 1997, photography was discouraged, but possible. By 2000, under the watchful eye of a Taliban "minder", photography of any living thing was prohibited.
After the fall of the Taliban in November 2001, photography and photographers were welcome again.
Ed Grazda (February 1, 2007) 



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