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3865210430James Abbe (Photographer); von Dewitz (Editor); Brooks Johnson (Editor); & Terence Pepper (Essay) 
James Abbe: Shooting Stalin 
2005,  (Steidl/Museum Luwig, Cologne) 
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1879886472Ansel Adams; Robert Adams; Allison Kemmerer; Joseph N. Newland (Editor); Adam D. Weinberg (Introduction); & John R. Stilgoe 
Reinventing the West: Photographs of Ansel Adams and Robert Adams 
2002,  (Addison Gallery of American Art) 
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0747559171Eve Arnold 
Eve Arnold: Film Journal 
2002,  (Bloomsbury Publishing Plc) 
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Eve Arnold 
Eve Arnold: In Retrospect 
1995,  (Knopf) 
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Eve Arnold 
Eve Arnold: In Retrospect 
1997,  (Random House Value Pub) 
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1582342482Eve Arnold 
Film Journal 
2002,  (Bloomsbury USA) 
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0300074190Victor Arwas; Jana A. Brabcova; Jean-Marie Bruson; Anna Dvorak; Geraldine Mucha; & Jack Rennert 
Alphonse Mucha: The Spirit of Art Nouveau 
1998,  (Yale University Press) 
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0804742707Morley Baer (Photographer) 
California Plain: Remembering Barns 
2002,  (Stanford University Press) 
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William P. Baldwin (Editor); A. J. Verdelle; Clyde Edgerton; Willie Morris; Bobbie Ann Mason; & Josephine Humphreys 
Picturing the South: Photographers and Writers, 1860 to the Present 
1996,  (Chronicle Books) 
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1891024493Debra Bricker Balken; Jay Bochner; Georgia O'Keeffe Museum; Des Moines Art Center; Terra Museum of American Art; & Alfred Stieglitz 
Debating American Modernism: Stieglitz, Duchamp, and the New York Avant-Garde 
2003,  (Distributed Art Publishers) 
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