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0893816965Stan Grossfeld; & Mother Teresa (Contributor) 
Lost Futures: Our Forgotten Children 
1997,  (Aperture) 
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Silke Grossman (Photographer) 
Silke Grossman: Photographs 
1995,  (Hatje Cantz Publishers) 
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1566394635Peter B. Hales 
William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape 
1996,  (Temple Univ Press) 
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0877224781Peter Bacon Hales; & William Henry Jackson (Photographer) 
William Henry Jackson and the Transformation of the American Landscape 
1988,  (Temple Univ Press) 
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1904587542John Hannavy (Author) 
Great Photographic Journeys 
2007,  (Dewi Lewis Publishing) 
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0226316068Robert Hariman (Author); & John Louis Lucaites (Author) 
No Caption Needed: Iconic Photographs, Public Culture, and Liberal Democracy 
2007,  (University Of Chicago Press) 
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Heinrich Harrer (Photographer) 
Lost Lhasa: Heinrich Harrer's Tibet 
1992,  (Harry N. Abrams) 
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Mark Edward Harris (Photographer) 
2004,  (Shashin Press)
2080304631Osam Hiraki; Alain Sayag; & Keeichi Takeuchi 
Japan: A Self-Portrait: Photographs 1945-1964 
2004,  (Flammarion) 
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0893811858Mark Holborn; Eikoh Hosoe (Photographer); Shomei Tomatsu (Photographer); Masahisa Fukase (Photographer); & Daido Moriyama (Photographer) 
Black Sun: The Eyes of Four, Roots and Innovation in Japanese Photography 
1986,  (Aperture) 
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