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Charles Schwartz Ltd. & Howard Greenberg Gallery; Christian A. Peterson (Essay); & Kerry Ross (Essay) 
Art Photography In Japan: 1920-1940 
2003,  (Charles Schwartz Ltd. and Howard Greenberg Gallery)
3865600549Jean-Francois Chevrie (Essay); de Vos (Essay); & Thomas Weski (Essay) 
Click Doubleclick: The Documentary Factor 
2006,  (Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig) 
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Jonathan Clark (Photographer) 
Ottawa, Illinois: 1967 
2006,  (Nazraeli Press) 
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0802137482Larry Clark 
2000,  (Grove Press) 
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1567923402Stu Cohen (Author); & Peter Bacon Hales (Editor) 
The Likes of Us: Photography and the Farm Security Administration 
2007,  (David R Godine) 
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Van Deren Coke 
Crosscurrents II: Recent Additions to the Collection 
1986,  (San Francisco Museum) 
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1899235744John Comino-James 
Fairground Attraction 
2003,  (Dewi Lewis Publishing) 
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3882437049Michel Comte 
Michel Comte: People and Places with No Name 
2000,  (Steidl) 
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Thomas Joshua Cooper (Photographer) 
Thomas Joshua Cooper: Some Rivers, Some Trees, Some Rocks, Some Seas 
2003,  (il prisima)
3888149274Anton Corbijn; & Bernd Skupin 
2001,  (Schirmer/Mosel) 
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