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HomeContents > People > Photographers > Lionel C. Bennett

Dates:  1853 (?) - ?
Member of the Linked Ring Brotherhood.

Preparing biographies

Approved biography for Lionel C. Bennett
(Courtesy of Christian Peterson)

According to the British Census, Bennett was born in London in 1853, and in 1881 still lived there, working as a "shorthand writer."
He was strongly interested in photography by the late 1880s and joined important English photographic associations. He became a member the Royal Photographic Society in 1889 and a fellow (FRPS) six years later. In June 1895, he was admitted to the Linked Ring Brotherhood, the country’s leading group of creative photographers. He took on the pseudonym "Recorder," but stayed with the Linked Ring for only about three years. Bennett apparently preferred marine subjects. In 1900, Alfred Stieglitz included one of his images as a photogravure in Camera Notes, picturing anchored tall ships and a coastal waterway. His work was also reproduced in the April 1897 issue of the Photographic Times.
Bennett exhibited throughout most of the 1890s and 1900s. During this time, his work was seen at the annual exhibitions of the Royal Photographic Society and the London and Paris salons. In 1906, the juries for both the Chicago Photographic Salon and the American Photographic Salon accepted his pictures. 
Christian A. Peterson Pictorial Photography at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts (Christian A. Peterson: Privately printed, 2012) 
This biography is courtesy and copyright of Christian Peterson and is included here with permission. 
Date last updated: 1 June 2013. 
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