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9.11 Box 
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Product Details 
de.MO, Millbrook 
Published 2006 
Publisher's Description 
This limited-edition box combines two publications, NEWYORKSEPTEMBERELEVENTWOTHOUSANDONE and Rethink: Cause and Consequences of September 11. NY09112001 presents an intimate, minute-by-minute, historical account of the events, including transcriptions of phone calls to 911 and journal entries by Salman Rushdie and Robert F. Kennedy Jr, among others.  
In Rethink, fifty contributors, including the world’s most dedicated writers and photojournalists, tell a story of crushing emotional weight and ask us to look beyond the immediate events of 9/11 to realize the causes and consequences of this global tragedy.  
This box set includes an 8-by-10 inch limited-edition lithograph by Antonin Kratochvil.
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