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Huellas De Luz: El Arte Y Los Experiments De William Henry Fox Talbot 
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Published 2002 

This photographer...

William Henry Fox Talbot: Traces of Light 
Geoffrey Batchen; Larry J. Schaaf; & Russel Roberts
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Fox Talbot: An Illustrated Life of Willian Henry Fox Talbot, "Father of Modern Photography", 1800 -1877 (Lifelines Series) 
John Hannavy (Author)
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Records of the Dawn of Photography: Talbot's Notebooks P & Q 
Larry J. Schaaf
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First Photographs: William Henry Fox Talbot and the Birth of Photography 
William Henry Fox Talbot; Michael Gray; & Arthur Ollman
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Specimens and Marvels: The World of William Henry Fox Talbot 
William Henry Fox Talbot; Michael Gray; & Russell Roberts
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In Focus: William Fox Talbot: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum 
William Henry Fox Talbot; Deborah Ann Gribbon; & Larry J. Schaaf (Introduction)
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The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot 
William Henry Fox Talbot; & Larry J. Schaaf
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Mechanisms of Image Deterioration in Early Photographs: The Sensitivity to Light of W.H.F. Talbot's Halide-fixed Images 1834-1844 
Mike Ware (Author)
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