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African American Vernacular Photography: Selections from the Daniel Cowin Collection 
2006,  (Steidl Publishing) 
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3865210430James Abbe (Photographer); von Dewitz (Editor); Brooks Johnson (Editor); & Terence Pepper (Essay) 
James Abbe: Shooting Stalin 
2005,  (Steidl/Museum Luwig, Cologne) 
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0893811416Robert Adams 
Summer Nights (New Images Book) 
2001,  (Steidl / Edition 7L) 
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386521150XAtelier Adamson; Andy Grunberg; & Jim Dine 
Atelier Adamson: Atelier Adamson 
2005,  (Steidl Publishing) 
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3865210724 Alvarez Bravo (Photographer); Henri Cartier-Bresson (Photographer); Walker Evans (Photographer); Anges Sire (Essay); Daniel Giradin (Essay); & Ian Jeffrey (Essay) 
Manuel Alvarez Bravo, Henri Cartier-Bresson, and Walker Evans. Documentary and Anti-Graphic Photographs: A Reconstruction of the 1935 Exhibition at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York. 
2004,  (Steidl) 
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3865211437Diane Arbus (Photographer); Lisette Model (Photographer); Christer Stromholm; & Anna Tellgren (Editor) 
Portraits: Arbus, Model, Stromholm 
2005,  (Steidl Publishing) 
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3865214622Saskia Asse (Contributor); Denise Bethel (Contributor); Julian Cox (Contributor); Sheila Heiting (Editor); Sheila Foster (Editor); & Rachel Stuhlman (Editor) 
Imagining Paradise The Richard and Ronay Menschel Library at The George Eastman House, Rochester 
2007,  (Steidl/The George Eastman House) 
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3865212700David Bailey (Photographer) 
David Bailey: Havana 
n.d.,  (Steidl Publishing) 
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3865213677David Bailey (Photographer) 
David Bailey: Pictures That Mark Can Do 
2007,  (Steidl The Masters) 
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3865211925David Bailey (Photographer); & Desmond Morris (Essay) 
Bailey's Democracy 
2006,  (Steidl) 
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