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9685208379 Alvarez Bravo (Photographer); & Colete Alvarez Urbajtel (Essay) 
Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Polaroids 
2005,  (Editorial RM) 
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0893817198Aperture Foundation Inc Staff; Alvarez Bravo (Photographer); & Frederick Kaufman (Contributor) 
Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Photographs and Memories 
1997,  (Aperture) 
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Erika Billeter; &  Alvarez Bravo 
A Song to Reality: Latin-American Photography 1860-1993 
1998,  (Lunwerg Editores Sa) 
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Erika Billeter; Alvarez Bravo; & Ramon Martinez 
Song to Reality: Latin American Photography 
1998,  (Lunwerg Editores Sa) 
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1931788944Elizabeth Ferrer (Author); Alvarez Bravo (Photographer); & Nancy Grubb (Author) 
Lola Alvarez Bravo 
2006,  (Aperture) 
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0691017425Mark Haworth-Booth (Author) 
Photography: An Independent Art. Photographs from the Victoria and Albert Museum 1839-1996 
1997,  (Princeton University Press) 
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0714841919Amanda Hopkinson 
Manuel Alvarez Bravo 
2002,  (Phaidon Press Inc.) 
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0892366257J. Paul Getty Museum; &  Alvarez Bravo (Photographer) 
Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum 
2001,  (J Paul Getty Museum Pubns) 
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1931788502Brooks Johnson (Editor) 
Photography Speaks. 150 Photographers on Their Art 
2004,  (Aperture) 
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8475065643Frida Kahlo; & Margaret Hooks 
Frida Kahlo: Portraits of an Icon 
2003,  (Distributed Art Publishers) 
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