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0883600897John B. Rohrbach; Eliot Porter; W. Powell Cottrille; & Amon Carter Museum of Western Art 
A Passion for Birds: Eliot Porter's Photography 
1997,  (Amon Carter Museum) 
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Martha A. Sandweiss; Amon Carter Museum Of Western Art; & Laura Gilpin (Photographer) 
Laura Gilpin: An Enduring Grace 
1986,  (Amon Carter Museum) 
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Martha A. Sandweiss; & Laura Gilpin (Photographer) 
Laura Gilpin 
1987,  (Amon Carter Museum) 
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Rick Stewart; Ben W. Huseman; & Martha A. Sandweiss 
Eyewitness to War: Prints and Daguerreotypes of the Mexican War, 1846-1848 
1989,  (Amon Carter Museum) 
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3822849308Mario Testino (Photographer) 
Diana: Princess of Wales 
2006,  (Taschen) 
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0792269071Diana Walker; & Michael R. Beschloss 
Public and Private: Twenty Years Photographing the Presidency 
2002,  (National Geographic) 
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Todd Webb 
Todd Webb, Photographs: Early Western Trails and Some Ghost Towns. 
1979,  (Amon Carter Museum) 
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0292701934Laura Wilson 
Avedon at Work: In the American West 
2003,  (University of Texas Press) 
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0893817287Kathy Goetz Wolf (Author); Roger Rosenblatt (Introduction); Stephen Shames (Photographer); & Michael Jordan (Preface) 
Pursuing the Dream: What Helps Children and Their Families Succeed 
1997,  (Aperture) 
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