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377570874XTracey Moffatt (Photographer); Brigitte Reinhardt (Editor); Stefan Berg; & Alexander Tolnay 
Tracey Moffatt: laudanum 
2000,  (Hatje Cantz Publishers) 
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1860640931Geoffrey Moorhouse (Introduction); & Kazuyoshi Nomachi (Photographer) 
The Nile 
1996,  (I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd) 
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291417117XDaido Moriyama (Photographer); & Patrick Remy (Essay) 
Daido Moriyama: Remix 
2005,  (Edition Kamel Mennour) 
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0240805275David Morrish; & Marlene MacCallum 
Copper Plate Photogravure: Demystifying the Process 
2003,  (Focal Press) 
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8072151134Josef Moucha; & Alfons Mucha (Photographer) 
Alfons Mucha 
2001,  (Torst) 
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8072152505Alfons Mucha (Photographer); & Josef Mucha (Essay) 
Alfons Mucha 
2005,  (Torst) 
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0500542449Robin Muir; & John Deakin 
A Maverick Eye: The Street Photography of John Deakin 
2002,  (Thames & Hudson) 
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1588342387Joan Myers (Photographer) 
Wondrous Cold: An Antarctic Journey 
2006,  (Smithsonian Institution Press) 
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1560988096Hans Namuth (Photographer); & Carolyn Kinder Carr (Text) 
Hans Namuth: Portraits 
1999,  (Smithsonian Institution Press) 
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0792276892Cathy Newman 
Women Photographers at National Geographic 
2000,  (National Geographic) 
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