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0292727852Peter Goin 
1996,  (University of Texas Press) 
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Peter Goin 
Nuclear Landscapes (Creating the North American Landscape) 
1991,  (Johns Hopkins University Press) 
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0826312853Peter Goin; C. Elizabeth Raymond; & Robert E. Blesse 
Stopping Time: A Rephotographic Survey of Lake Tahoe 
1992,  (University of New Mexico Press) 
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Peter Goin (Photographer); & Elizabeth Raymond (Text) 
Changing Mines in America 
2003,  (Center for American Places) 
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David Goldblatt (Photographer) 
2004,  (Goodman Gallery Editions) 
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8495183668Carlos Gollonet 
Gary Winogrand - The Game of Photography 
2001,  (Tf Editions) 
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0811837904Lauren Greenfield (Photographer); & Joan Jacobs Brumberg (Introduction) 
Girl Culture 
2002,  (Chronicle Books) 
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0821277545Timothy Greenfield-Sanders (Photographer) 
XXX: 30 Porn-Star Portraits 
2004,  (Bulfinch) 
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1931788588David Hilliard (Photographer); Charlotte Cotton (Essay); & Vince Aletti (Interview) 
David Hilliard 
2005,  (Aperture) 
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0766820777Christopher James 
The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes 
2001,  (Delmar Learning) 
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