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HomeContents > Finding older photography books

Photographic books can be very difficult to find and some of them are extremely sought after and rare but please don't contact me as I can't help you look for them.
Having said that here are a few ideas that might help you.
  1. Firstly get as much detail on the book as you can - title, author, place of publication, date and also the ISBN/ASIN if you can. Then try the following in order:
  1. Try out Amazon to see if they have any record of such a book. If they have check all your details. If they have it great your search was one of the easy ones.
    If the book was published overseas try the Amazon sites in Europe and Japan as they each have different books.
  1. If it is not on Amazon try the on-line catalogues for the Library of Congress the British Library or the National Library for the country where the book was published. Check the details on Amazon again.
  1. Try a specialist bookstore such as the excellent Photo-Eye bookstore at 376 Garcia Street, Suite A, Santa Fe, NM 87501 USA (Info: 505-988-5152) which has an incredible range of photographic books. It is also the best possible place to fine limited editions and signed copies of difficult to find works by contemporary photographers.
  1. ABEBOOKS - Antiquarian Book Exchange - The world's largest online marketplace for used, rare, and out-of-print books. If they don't have the book you are looking for then you are really looking for something obscure. ILAB International League of Antiquarian Booksellers is another useful resource. Good luck.
  1. Andrew Cahan Books - If you are looking for a rare photographic book then you may find it useful to check this bookseller out as he specializes in just this. Based at 3000 Blueberry Lane, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516 USA (visit by appointment only) they can be contacted by Tel: 919-968-0538, Fax: 919-968-3517 or Email:
  1. IF Libri, Immagine Fotografia Libri - For Italian material, particularly second-hand.
  1. Kowasa - For Spanish and European titles.
  1. Ebay - Rare books on photography can be found here but you have to be patient.

All the best and happy hunting, Alan
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