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HomeContents > People > Photographers > Captain Swanston


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John Falconer, British Library 
A Biographical Dictionary of 19th Century Photographers in South and South-East Asia

Amateur, India
Letter from G.A. Ballard, Collector of Malabar, to Hon. A.J. Arbuthnot, Chief Secretary to Government, Fort St George, dated Calicut, 2 July 1864:
A sum of Rupees 220 was advanced to Captain Swanston in July and September 1863, for the purpose of obtaining photographs of the peculiar tribes in this District as required by the Government Order noted.
2. The work has not been completed, but as the Accountant General strongly objects to advances remaining unadjusted for more than three months, I have the honor to request the sanction of Government for adjusting this amount.
3. A detailed account will be submitted on the completion of the work.[1]

  1. Λ Madras Public Proceedings, 8-9 July 1864, IOR/P/249/80 p. 523. 

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