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HomeContents > People > Photographers > Dmitri Kessel

Dates:  1902 - 1995
Born:  Russia, Ukraine
Active:  Global
Photographer for LIFE magazine.

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Frank Scherschel
Life photographer, Dmitri Kessel, standing by camera on a tripod, getting ready to shot a picture of himself through a reflection in a make-shift window. 
1955, 1 January (check)
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Visual indexes

 Premium content for those who want to understand photography
Visual indexes for this photographer are available for subscribers.There is so much more to explore when you subscribe. 

Internet biographies

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Getty Research, Los Angeles, USA has an ULAN (Union List of Artists Names Online) entry for this photographer. This is useful for checking names and they frequently provide a brief biography. Go to website

Printed biographies

The following books are useful starting points to obtain brief biographies but they are not substitutes for the monographs on individual photographers.

• Beaton, Cecil & Buckland, Gail 1975 The Magic Eye: The Genius of Photography from 1839 to the Present Day (Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown & Company) p.202 [Useful short biographies with personal asides and one or more example images.] 
• Capa, Cornell (ed.) 1984 The International Center of Photography: Encyclopedia of Photography (New York, Crown Publishers, Inc. - A Pound Press Book) p.280-281 
• Evans, Martin Marix (Executive ed.) 1995 Contemporary Photographers [Third Edition] (St. James Press - An International Thomson Publishing Company) [Expensive reference work but highly informative.] 
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