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HomeContents > People > Photographers > Doris Ulmann


0295977671Naomi Rosenblum; & Susan Fillin-Yeh 
Documenting a Myth: The South As Seen by Three Women Photographers, Chansonetta Stanley Emmons, Doris Ulmann, Bayard Wootten 1910-1940 
1999,  (University of Washington Press) [Hardcover] 
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0892363738Doris Ulmann; & Judith Keller 
Doris Ulmann: Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum (In Focus) 
1996,  (J Paul Getty Museum Pubns) [Paperback] 
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David Featherstone 
Doris Ulmann: American Portraits 
1985,  (University of New Mexico Press) [Paperback] 
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J. Williams (Designer); Doris Ulmann (Photographer); & J. J. Niles (Designer) 
Appalachian Photographs of Doris Ulmann 
1971,  (Jargon Society) [Paperback] 
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If this section is missing a key book on Doris Ulmann please email me details so the site can be improved for everybody.
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