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HomeContents > People > Photographers > John Sherrington

Active:  The Netherlands

Preparing biographies

Approved biography for John Sherrington
Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)

Sherrington, who was from a prominent Catholic family in Preston, Lancashire, was ruined in a bank failure and emigrated to Rotterdam with his family in 1838. His daughter, Helen Lemmens-Sherrington (1834-1906), became a well-known singer. Twenty calotypes, some signed in the negative “J. Sherrington/fecit,” survive in the Richard Willats album; about half are portraits and half are architectural views of Rotterdam. Some are dated 1845 and 1847, and one is titled Ruins after a Fire of a Theatre, Rotterdam. Those signed “Sherrington, esq.” may be by him or by W. Sherrington. Nothing further is known about their photographic work. 
Roger Taylor & Larry J. Schaaf Impressed by Light: British Photographs from Paper Negatives, 1840-1860 (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2007) 
This biography is courtesy and copyright of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and is included here with permission. 
Date last updated: 4 Nov 2012. 
We welcome institutions and scholars willing to test the sharing of biographies for the benefit of the photo-history community. The biography above is a part of this trial.
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